The return of F3-T7


Many, many moons ago I produced an image of an R2 unit painted in the colours of Boba Fett, and named him F3-7T.

Recently I was contacted by Simon Battel of the UK R2D2 builders club.

Hi Nick. I found a picture you did of a FETT R2D2 a couple of years ago and I liked it so much that I have made a full size remote version, I just thought I'd send you a picture for your approval.

He included the following pictures.

Nick Scurfield inspired full size R/C FETT droid. I have named him..... F3T7

Simon goes on to say;

'There are a couple of minor differences to you drawing the main one being the name. I call this droid F3T7 and not F37T.'

Clearly Simon pays more attention to naming conventions than I do.

Regardless, it's a fantastic piece of work and I'm hoping somebody can sneak him into the forthcoming Fett movie.
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